Kristina Vilyams x Ouhlala Le Shop

January, 2020

Ouhlala is a Paris based online gallery and boutique that supports artists and designers who offer unique pieces bridging art and design. The gallery was co-founded by Carole Hours and Frans McCabe.

During the 2020 lockdown, our team created the Ouhlala Foam Mirror filter, an innovative and creative solution to bring the whimsical spirit of Ouhlala into people's homes. The AR project, developed in collaboration with Ouhlala achieved over 31 million impressions on Instagram and was featured on Architectural Digest.

Ouhlala Foam Mirror


*The numbers for July, 2023

Cultivating successful outcomes is of paramount importance to both content creators and brand marketers. Within the digital content landscape, the Ouhlala Foam Mirror filter stands out as an exemplar of highly engaging marketing instruments. Its exceptional performance is evidenced by the comprehensive utilization of Meta marketing insights tools, showcasing some of the highest results in the field.



Zona Johna

